Which version of IE should I support?

My jQuery code doesn't work in older IE browsers. Which version should I make my site compatible?

This is pretty much the same as Which version of Internet Explorer (IE) my web application should support , but this is from 2010 and I'd love to hear some new opinions.

Note. I deliberately left out the IE version it works with as I need a general answer.


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1 answer

From my personal experience, I have found that most home users use a modern browser (IE 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari). Collaborating with users is a completely different story. They usually use regular, outdated software that prevents them from using newer browsers. There are also quite a few more people on Windows XP (about 40%). These are usually older users or lazy super users.

With that said, what audience is your target code? I understand that developers will be using it, but does it have to do with businesses or more consumer sites?

All things considered, I would consider IE 6+ if you are targeting corporations. Seeing that jQuery officially supports this, this is the most optimal solution. However, adding IE 6 (and IE 7) compatibility is easier said than done. So I personally recommend supporting IE 8+ (and Firefox / Chrome / Safari of course). If you want to help push users away from legacy (and probably vulnerable browsers), you can just leave IE 8 bugs and say that you only support HTML5 / CSS3 browsers.



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