How do I report all failures after completing the entire test?

I am using Ruby 1.9.3 with MiniTest. I know the best practice is to have one assertion per test, but there are times when I want to make assertions dynamically, for example when comparing arrays:

if added_skus.each { |s| assert(skus_in_cart.include?(s), "SKUs #{added_skus} or SKU amount do not match SKUs #{skus_in_cart} on Cart page.") }
  puts "Product SKUs #{added_skus} match SKUs #{skus_in_cart} on Cart page."


As you know, when it reaches the first assertion rejection, the test ends. I would like to continue with the test and report all failures after the test completes.

I found a solution using old test / unit and Ruby 1.8.7 (add_failure method in test / unit library) but I can't find a good solution for MiniTest and Ruby 1.9.3. I'd really appreciate some feedback (even if it means I'm doing it wrong - please point me in the right direction). Thank you!


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1 answer

Solution 1 - Combine statements into one statement:

You can write your current code as one statement, considering all skus together:

#Determine the missing skus:
missing_skus = added_skus.find_all{ |s| not(skus_in_cart.include?(s)) }

#Assert that there are no missing skus:
assert( missing_skus.empty?, "SKUs #{missing_skus} do not match SKUs on Cart page." )


Solution 2 - Custom method to approve multiple items:

If you really want the number of claims to match an individual SKU (instead of the entire set), you could create your own claim method. Although I don't believe this adds any real benefit over solution 1.

Sample code:

requires "test / unit"

module MiniTest::Assertions
    #Asserts that each element passes the test
    # Inputs:
    #   enumerable - The object to iterate over (ex an array)
    #   msg - Custom message to include in assertion failure
    #   test - A block that each element will be tested against
    def assert_each(enumerable, msg = nil, &test)
        msg ||= "No message given."

        failed_elements =
        enumerable.each do |e|
            self._assertions += 1
            failed_elements << e unless yield(e)

        msg = " #{failed_elements} failed assertion. #{msg}"    
        raise( MiniTest::Assertion, msg ) unless failed_elements.empty?

class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
    def test()
        added_skus = ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd']
        skus_in_cart = ['c', 'b']

        assert_each(added_skus, "SKUs missing from cart."){ |s| skus_in_cart.include?(s) }




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