Example of plug / attach to GPars

I found a fork / join example in GPars here: Fork / Join

import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.runForkJoin
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
withPool() {
    println """Number of files: ${
        runForkJoin(new File("./src")) {file ->
            long count = 0
            file.eachFile {
                if (it.isDirectory()) {
                    println "Forking a child task for $it"
                    forkOffChild(it)           //fork a child task
                } else {
            return count + (childrenResults.sum(0))
            //use results of children tasks to calculate and store own result


It works and returns the correct number of files, but unfortunately I don't understand this line:

return count + (childrenResults.sum(0))


How exactly do count

and work childrenResult

Why 0

is it passed as a parameter sum()



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1 answer

I'm not very familiar with GPars, but the link you gave says it is a Divide-and-Conquer algorithm and elaborates a bit more of what is later implied by explaining what forkOffChild()

does not wait - getChildrenResults()

does instead .

You may find it easier to understand the provided alternative approach on the same page that uses a more Java-ish style if you are more familiar with it.


results in a method call getChildrenResults()

, this is "join" in "Fork / Join", it waits for all children to finish, and then returns a list with the results from them (or rethrows any exception that the children might throw).


is just the initial value for the amount. If childrenResult

empty, then what is added to count


groovy:000> [].sum(1)
===> 1
groovy:000> [1].sum(1)
===> 2




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