Is NHibernate Profiler lying to me?

I am using Fluent NHibernate as my ORM and NH Profiler throws this sql query to me when it is executed

INSERT INTO [Location]
VALUES      ('my address' /* @p0 */,
         -58.37538459999996 /* @p1 */,
         -34.5969468 /* @p2 */);


which is absolutely believable. This is the design of my location table:

[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar](255) NULL,
[Lat] [decimal](23, 20) NULL,
[Lon] [decimal](23, 20) NULL,


But when I see the inserted data in sqlserver management studio I can see that it is inserted

-58.37538000000000000000 instead of -58.37538459999996000000 and

-34.59694000000000000000 instead of -34.59694680000000000000.

When I run this insert query manually, it inserts the values ​​correctly (14 decimal places for Lat Column), but if nhibernate does it, it only inserts 5 decimal places.

Any ideas ???


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1 answer

The problem is related to standard precision

and scale

. NHibernate's view is by default decimal

equal decimal (28,5)

, so the final INSERT statement contains only 5 decimal places. XML mapping

<property name="Lat" precision="23" scale="20" />
<property name="Lon" precision="23" scale="20" />





Now the INSERT statement will be decimal (23,20)




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