What does the .align directive do?
I am learning x86 and I am trying to understand what the .align directive does and how it might be useful.
The Oracle Reference Manual says:
The .align directive causes the following data to be aligned modulo integer bytes. The integer must be a positive integer expression and must be a cardinality of 2. If specified, pad is the integer value of the byte used for padding. Default value for pad for text section is 0x90 (nop); for other sections, the default value for the pad is zero (0).
But I'm not sure what that means. Could you please refer to where I can learn more about this or explain it briefly with an example?
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The key to understanding what he's doing is to understand why he's there.
All computers have a natural border known as collocation. This boundary is usually 4 bytes or 8 bytes.
The processor can load and save from memory faster and avoid wasting cache space when 4 and 8 bytes are at these boundaries. Some CPU types cannot receive values that do not match.
Thus, there must be a mechanism in assembler that skips the next boundary so that the label directive and storage allocation directives can start at a more efficient address.
For instructions, odd boundaries work on most computers, but they still have performance implications and waste cache space.
.string "ab\0"
; this next address is 3
.string "ab\0"
.align 4 # sometimes interpreted as 2**n, so, .align 2
; this next address is 4, and would still be 4 if the string was just "a"
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