.live ("click") event doesn't work on ios safari and even onclick = '' isnt

I am trying to implement a dropdown menu in my navbar. Everything seems to work fine on my desktop, but over the phone, my jquery.live ("click") doesn't seem to work. I also tried adding onclick = '' but it doesn't work!

This is the code I was running


<ul class="nav pull-right">
  <li class="dropdown">
    <a id="notif-load-dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" onclick='' href="/notifications/"><b data-icon="&#xe01d;"></b></a>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu2 pull-left">
      <h3 class="lead" style="margin-left:25px;">Activity Feed</h3>
      <span id="notif-load"></span>



$('#notif-load-dropdown').live('click', function(event) {
  var checkclass = $('#notif-load-dropdown').parent().hasClass('open');
  var b = $('html');
  if (checkclass){
    var w = $(document).width();
    var h = $(document).height();
      position: 'relative',
      top     : 0,
      left    : 0,
      zIndex  : 100
    var $overlay = $('<div/>', {
    'id': 'overlay',
      css: {
        position   : 'absolute',
        height     : h + 'px',
        width      : w + 'px',
        left       : 0,
        top        : 0,
        background : '#000',
        opacity    : 0.5,
        zIndex     : 99
    b = $('html');
    b.css('overflow', 'hidden');
    var href = $(this).attr('href');
    var chkaclass = $('#notif-load a').hasClass('endless_more');
    if (!checkclass){
      $('#notif-load a').live('click', function(event){
      b.css('overflow', 'auto');
    b.css('overflow', 'auto');
  return false;



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5 answers

It's not entirely clear what isn't working.

If the problem is that the CLICK handler is not being called at all, you can try using touch events like "touchstart"

or "touchend"

, because on touch devices you don't have a mouse pointer, so you cannot "click", I am using jquery.tappable.js and it works great for me.

Hope it helps.



iOS does not accept click. You can use the "touchhend" event.


$('#notif-load-dropdown').live('click', function(event){...});
and $('#notif-load a').live('click', function(event){...});



$('#notif-load-dropdown').bind('click touchend' ,function(event){...});


And: for jQuery 1.7 and up:

$('#notif-load').on('click touchend', 'a', function(event){...});


before jQuery 1.7:

$('#notif-load').delegate('a', 'click touchend', function(event){...});


jsbin sample



$(document).on('click', '#notif-load-dropdown', function(e) {


replace the document with the closest non-dynamic parent.



live () is deprecated, load () has also been deprecated since jQuery 1.8.

Anyway, try this:

$('#notif-load-dropdown').live('click', function(event) {
    var href = $(this).attr('href');
    $('#notif-load').load(href, {}, function(response) {
        //alert(response); // show server response, if there is no response, then the issue could be from the server side
    return false;




The 'click' event seems to only fire on the 'a' tags, maybe others, but definitely not on the 'body' and 'div'.



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