Why doesn't my SQL SQL SELECT statement print the decimal value?

select (4*(22/7)*3958.759*3958.759) as "Earth Area" from dual;

Earth Area


It should print 197016572.595304. Why were the numbers after the dot ignored in the output?


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3 answers

I am assuming you are using SQL * PLUS. The reason you don't see the rest of the number is because of the parameter value numwidth

. The default is 10, so you need to tweak it a bit, for example 30. Here's an example:

SQL> select (4*(22/7)*3958.759*3958.759) as "Earth Area" from dual;

Earth Area                                                                    

SQL> set numwidth 31

SQL> select (4*(22/7)*3958.759*3958.759) as "Earth Area" from dual;

 Earth Area                                                 


Also you can override the parameter value with numwidth

either set numformat

orcolumn format



This is SQL * Plus and has nothing to do with what is returned from the database. You can use the SQL * Plus column formatting commands to get the formats you want, for example:

SQL> select (4*(22/7)*3958.759*3958.759) as "Earth Area" from dual;

Earth Area

SQL> col "Earth Area" for 99,999,999,999.9999999
SQL> /

           Earth Area


Oracle documentation with more information on formatting options here .



to_char((4*(22/7)*3958.759*3958.759)), 'FM99999990D00999999999')


FM removes leading blanks. 9 represent an optional number at this position. D represents the decimal point. 0 represent the required numbers at this position.



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