Direct3D 11 CreatePixelShader (E_INVLIDARGS)

I am using the fxc.exe utility from directx sdk to compile my shaders and then load them into a byte array in my application (with this code):

inline std::vector<char> ReadToByteArray(char* filename)
        std::ifstream file;;
        file.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
        size_t file_size = file.tellg();
        file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
        std::vector<char> data(file_size, 0);[0], file_size);

        return data;


And then create it:

std::vector<char> pixelShaderBytecode = ReadToByteArray("myps.pso");
ID3D11PixelShader* shader;
device->CreatePixelShader(, pixelShaderBytecode.size(), nullptr, &shader);


And everything worked well. So far my shader has grown to ~ 980 bytes. Here is my code in HLSL:

struct PInput
    float4 position: SV_POSITION;
    float3 normal : NORMAL;

cbuffer CBuffer
    float4 color;
    float4 dirs[8];

float4 main(PInput input) : SV_TARGET
    // Example code...

    int directionLightsCount = 2;

    float intensity = 0.0f;

    // Line 1
    intensity += saturate(dot(input.normal, -dirs[0].xyz));

    // Line 2
    //intensity += saturate(dot(input.normal, -dirs[1].xyz));

    float ambient = 0.1f;

    return color * saturate(ambient + intensity);


The problem is, if I break line 2, then I get the method E_INVALIDARG HRESULT

from ID3D11Device::CreatePixelShader

. And also a warning from the D3D11 debug level:

D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11Device::CreatePixelShader: Pixel Shader is corrupt or in an unrecognized format. [ STATE_CREATION ERROR #192: CREATEPIXELSHADER_INVALIDSHADERBYTECODE]


If I comment out this line again, then everything works. If I change them (0 index from 1) then everything works. The only difference I can see is the size of the compiled file (980 with both lines and 916 with the first line)

Here is the command I am compiling the hlsl code with:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Utilities\bin\x64>fxc /
T ps_5_0 /E "main" /Fo "ps.pso"


What is the reason for this behavior? Am I missing something important?

Thanx for any help.

EDIT: Forgot to say that both versions compiled without errors. Besides, the vertex shader was created without any problems (1400 bytes). I am using 11_0 function level.


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1 answer

Simple mistake: incorrect file reading ...

inline std::vector<char> ReadToByteArray(char* filename)
    std::vector<char> data;
    std::ifstream file(filename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
    file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);[0], data.size());
    return data;




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