What is the difference between css template and wireframe?

I am researching some CSS frameworks that can be used for my theme to buy and I keep seeing that css templates are placed in the same category as frameworks.

What is the difference between the two?


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2 answers

There is no difference, these are just two names for the same. Boiler (in this case) is just an ugly word for (specific) web layout structure. It can also be called something else if whoever came up with it thought a little differently about the boilers that day. I guess it comes from Boilerplate prototype

("a widely working prototype that is built from cheaper or simpler materials" according to Wikipedia). He later found meaning in the IT industry in the form of code -behind . Basically, they are both "fancy" words for template

, so we geeks can feel better about ourselves.



Not sure if I agree with the above answer.

I agree that "template" and "template" are different names for the same thing. But frames ?!

I keep using analogy to help me think. And if I think about Terry Gilliam's Monty Python work environment ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs7WaL44_Iw ), I have to conclude that there are actually differences.

Template / template: table with ruler, margins, etc. Library: cuttings. Frame: template + library + lights + camera for shooting + tape + glass + ....

So, within the framework, basically ALL the working environment is understood, where we can find templates, libraries, other tools such as debuggers, autocomplete tools, compilers, etc. etc.

It makes sense?



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