Converting a matrix to pairs of values ​​with awk

I have a data matrix with latitude longitude and temperature in the following format:

            15W     14.5W   14W     13.5W   13W 
30N         19.3    19.3    19.2    18.9    18.6
30.5N       19.1    19      19      18.9    18.4
31N         18.9    18.8    18.7    18.6    18.3
31.5N       18.9    18.7    18.7    18.6    18.1
32N         18.6    18.5    18.6    18.5    17.5


I would like to use awk to convert it to strings with latitude longitude and temperature. The result should look like this:

15W 30N 19.3 
15W 30.5N 19.1 
15W 31N 18.9 
15W 31.5N 18.9 
15W 32N 18.6
14.5W 30N 19.3
14.5W 30.5N 19
14.5W 31N 18.8


I assume you get the idea. I thought about awk because I did something else with it and it was very powerful. But maybe some other tools will be used here.

The number of rows and columns is not always the same.

I will also need to convert latitude and longitude to decimal minutes, but I am doing it step by step.


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3 answers

awk one-liner (maybe a little long):

 awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)t[i]=$i}{ r[NR]=$1; for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) v[t[i-1],$1]=$i}END{for(i=1;i<=length(t);i++) for(j=2;j<=NR;j++) print t[i], r[j], v[t[i],r[j]]
} ' file


I would like to format over one layer to "three lines" :):

 awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)t[i]=$i}
        { r[NR]=$1; for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) v[t[i-1],$1]=$i}
        END{for(i=1;i<=length(t);i++)for(j=2;j<=NR;j++)print t[i], r[j], v[t[i],r[j]]} ' file



kent$  cat t
            15W     14.5W   14W     13.5W   13W 
30N         19.3    19.3    19.2    18.9    18.6
30.5N       19.1    19      19      18.9    18.4
31N         18.9    18.8    18.7    18.6    18.3
31.5N       18.9    18.7    18.7    18.6    18.1
32N         18.6    18.5    18.6    18.5    17.5

kent$  awk 'NR==1{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)t[i]=$i}
        { r[NR]=$1; for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) v[t[i-1],$1]=$i}
        END{for(i=1;i<=length(t);i++)for(j=2;j<=NR;j++)print t[i], r[j], v[t[i],r[j]]} ' t
15W 30N 19.3
15W 30.5N 19.1
15W 31N 18.9
15W 31.5N 18.9
15W 32N 18.6
14.5W 30N 19.3
14.5W 30.5N 19
14.5W 31N 18.8
14.5W 31.5N 18.7
14.5W 32N 18.5
14W 30N 19.2
14W 30.5N 19
14W 31N 18.7
14W 31.5N 18.7
14W 32N 18.6
13.5W 30N 18.9
13.5W 30.5N 18.9
13.5W 31N 18.6
13.5W 31.5N 18.6
13.5W 32N 18.5
13W 30N 18.6
13W 30.5N 18.4
13W 31N 18.3
13W 31.5N 18.1
13W 32N 17.5




The decision doesn't have to be hard. It is really quite simple once you have chosen the correct data structure. Just use GNU awk

to use a true multidimensional array. Run as:

awk -f script.awk file


Contents script.awk


NR==1 {
    for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {

    for (j=2;j<=NF;j++) {
        b[j-1][NR]["rec"] = a[j-1] FS $1 FS $j
        b[j-1][NR]["val"] = $j

    for (x=1;x<=length(b);x++) {
        for (y=2;y<=NR;y++) {

            if (b[x][y]["val"] != "999.9") {

                print b[x][y]["rec"] | "column -t"



15W    30N    19.3
15W    30.5N  19.1
15W    31N    18.9
15W    31.5N  18.9
15W    32N    18.6
14.5W  30N    19.3
14.5W  30.5N  19
14.5W  31N    18.8
14.5W  31.5N  18.7
14.5W  32N    18.5
14W    30N    19.2
14W    30.5N  19
14W    31N    18.7
14W    31.5N  18.7
14W    32N    18.6
13.5W  30N    18.9
13.5W  30.5N  18.9
13.5W  31N    18.6
13.5W  31.5N  18.6
13.5W  32N    18.5
13W    30N    18.6
13W    30.5N  18.4
13W    31N    18.3
13W    31.5N  18.1
13W    32N    17.5


Alternatively, here's a one-liner:

awk 'NR==1 { for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) a[i]=$i; next } { for (j=2;j<=NF;j++) { b[j-1][NR]["rec"] = a[j-1] FS $1 FS $j; b[j-1][NR]["val"] = $j } } END { for (x=1;x<=length(b);x++) for (y=2;y<=NR;y++) if (b[x][y]["val"] != "999.9") print b[x][y]["rec"] | "column -t" }' file




awk 'NR==1{n=split($0,a," ")}NR!=1{for(i=1;i<=n;i++)x[a[i]" "$1]=$(i+1);}END{for(i in x){print i,x[i]}}' temp | sort


checked below:

> cat temp
            15W     14.5W   14W     13.5W   13W 
30N         19.3    19.3    19.2    18.9    18.6
30.5N       19.1    19      19      18.9    18.4
31N         18.9    18.8    18.7    18.6    18.3
31.5N       18.9    18.7    18.7    18.6    18.1
32N         18.6    18.5    18.6    18.5    17.5
phoenix.250> nawk 'NR==1{n=split($0,a," ")}NR!=1{for(i=1;i<=n;i++)x[a[i]" "$1]=$(i+1);}END{for(i in x){print i,x[i]}}' temp | sort
13.5W 30.5N 18.9
13.5W 30N 18.9
13.5W 31.5N 18.6
13.5W 31N 18.6
13.5W 32N 18.5
13W 30.5N 18.4
13W 30N 18.6
13W 31.5N 18.1
13W 31N 18.3
13W 32N 17.5
14.5W 30.5N 19
14.5W 30N 19.3
14.5W 31.5N 18.7
14.5W 31N 18.8
14.5W 32N 18.5
14W 30.5N 19
14W 30N 19.2
14W 31.5N 18.7
14W 31N 18.7
14W 32N 18.6
15W 30.5N 19.1
15W 30N 19.3
15W 31.5N 18.9
15W 31N 18.9
15W 32N 18.6




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