Extension squeak or pharo

Using Monticello's package manager doesn't seem to guarantee that after adding interesting package (s) the overall image is still coherent. Are there any ways to check this? Are dependencies checked? Are there any recommendations in this direction?


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3 answers

I think you are looking for Metacello, the package and configuration manager for Monticello.

You can check out this tutorial: Project Management with Metacello and also there is a google code page



While Monticello actually has the ability to guarantee that dependencies are consistent, it is limited to the form "this version of Monticello depends on these other versions of Monticello exactly". Also, specifying these dependencies is a bit hidden in the Monticello browser and, above all, is hardly used in the community.

As Uko said, Metacello is precisely designed to solve the dependency management problem in Smalltalk systems. This is not limited to Monticello, conceptually. As far as I know, most GemStone, Pharo and Squeak images come with Metacello pre-installed or easily installed.

Take a look at the blog of Metacellos author , Dale Henriks, where he gives some insight into using Metacello.

There is also the Metacello Repository where most of the configurations (software receipts, I think) can be found.



Binding Monticello ends up downloading individual packages. Coherence comes with either Metacello (see Uko's answer ) or SqueakMap .

SqueakMap stores installation scripts to ensure that the entire application is loaded into your image.



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