Can a template template be used in the constructor?

Possible duplicate:
Calling virtual functions inside constructors

I have a Shape class and its Sphere subclass:

//Shape : 

class Shape
        Shape(const string& name);
        virtual ~Shape();

        virtual string getName();


        string mName;


Shape::Shape(const string& name) : mName(name)
   /*Some stuff proper to Shape*/

   /*Some stuff proper to subclass (sphere)*/

   /*Some stuff proper to Shape*/


string Shape::getName(){ return mName; }

//Sphere :

class Sphere : public Shape
        Sphere(const string& name, const float radius);
        virtual ~Sphere();

        virtual string getRadius();


        float mRadius;

Sphere::Sphere(const string& name, const float radius) : Shape(name), mRadius(radius)
   /*Some stuff*/


float Sphere::getRadius(){ return mRadius; }


Now, how can I handle the subclass stuff in the Shape constructor? I could have resorted to template template template , but I would have to call a pure virtual function in the constructor; I tried and he didn't like the compiler

Edit :

I decided to move the constructor stuff into a new "init" method and the virtual method will be "subInit":

//Shape : 

class Shape
        Shape(const string& name);
        virtual ~Shape();

        virtual string getName();

        virtual void init();


        string mName;

        virtual void subInit() = 0;


Shape::Shape(const string& name) : mName(name){}


string Shape::getName(){ return mName; }

void Shape::init()
   /*Some stuff proper to Shape*/

   /*Some stuff proper to subclass (sphere)*/
   /*Call to the pure virtual function subInit*/


   /*Some stuff proper to Shape*/

//Sphere : 

class Sphere : public Shape
         Sphere(const string& name, const float radius);
         virtual ~Sphere();

         virtual string getRadius();


            float mRadius;

            void subInit();

    Sphere::Sphere(const string& name, const float radius) : Shape(name),mRadius(radius)


    float Sphere::getRadius(){ return mRadius; }

       /*Some stuff previously in the constructor*/


Basically template template template

The client will write:

Shape* sphere = new Sphere();


Then I have an answer: it is not possible to apply this pattern in a constructor, at least in C ++


source to share

1 answer

Shape::Shape(const string& name) : mName(name)
   /*Some stuff proper to Shape*/

   /*Some stuff proper to subclass (sphere)*/

   /*Some stuff proper to Shape*/


Subclassing cannot be enforced until the subclass is created, so it must go in the constructor of the subclass. Later stuff can then come in a function called the constructor of the subclass.

Shape::Shape(const string& name) : mName(name)
   /*Some stuff proper to Shape*/

void Shape::finishConstruction()
   /*Some stuff proper to Shape*/

Sphere::Sphere(const string& name, const float radius)
: Shape(name), mRadius(radius)
    /*Some stuff proper to subclass (sphere)*/





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