JTabbedPane in JPanel?

I have a simple problem where I want to add tabs to my jpanel. The alignment of the tabs becomes horizontal instead of vertical, which looks like crap = /.

It looks like this:

enter image description here

If I drop the pane and add the tabbedPane directly to the frame, everything is fine. If you uncomment the three lines of code and delete getContentPane().add(jtp);

, you can reproduce my problem.

working code:

public class TabbedPane extends JFrame
    public TabbedPane()
        setTitle("Tabbed Pane");
        setSize(300, 300); // set size so the user can "see" it
        JTabbedPane jtp = new JTabbedPane();

        // JPanel panel = new JPanel();//uncomment all three lines
        // panel.add(jtp);
        // getContentPane().add(panel);

        getContentPane().add(jtp);//remove me

        JPanel jp1 = new JPanel();// This will create the first tab
        JPanel jp2 = new JPanel();// This will create the second tab

        JLabel label1 = new JLabel();
        label1.setText("This is Tab 1");

        jtp.addTab("Tab1", jp1);
        jtp.addTab("Tab2", jp2);

        JButton test = new JButton("Press");

        setVisible(true); // otherwise you won't "see" it

    public static void main(String[] args)
        TabbedPane tab = new TabbedPane();



Thank you so much!


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5 answers

If I drop the panel and add tabbedPane

directly to the frame, everything is fine.

A standard layout JPanel

is one FlowLayout

that "allows each component to assume its natural (preferred) size". The default layout JFrame

is BorderLayout


which is ignored by the preferred size. In any case, the call setSize()

excludes the possibility of linking initially; resize the frame to see the effect. Instead, use pack()

which "calls the size Window

to fit the preferred sizes and layouts of its subcomponents."

setVisible(true); // otherwise you won't "see" it




There are tons of things in this code, starting with @trashgod's advice. OTOH is the minimum change required to stretch the tabbed panel to the width / height of the parent container.

// give the panel a layout that will stretch components to available space
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout());//uncomment all three lines

//getContentPane().add(jtp);//remove me


See this answer for details .




Well, firstly, you can try this:

    JPanel panel = new JPanel();//uncomment all three lines
    panel.setLayout(new GridLayout());
    JPanel jp1 = new JPanel();// This will create the first tab
    JPanel jp2 = new JPanel();// This will create the second tab

    JLabel label1 = new JLabel();
    label1.setText("This is Tab 1");

    jtp.addTab("Tab1", jp1);
    jtp.addTab("Tab2", jp2);

    JButton test = new JButton("Press");


and basically:

    TabbedPane tab = new TabbedPane();


May I suggest using MigLayout to set layouts, it will make your life easier. Hope it helps.



Try GridbagLayout . Once you have mastered it, you can design any type of user interface with this layout.



I agree with prasanth regarding the use ofGridBagLayout

I looked at this problem once and I solved it by adding JTabbedPane

to the panel via GridBagLayout

, make sure you add JTabbedPane

with ipadx

and ipady

as per your requirements to your object GridBagConstraints


JPanel myPanel=new JPanel();
myPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
JTabbedPane jTP=new JTabbedPane();
jTP.add("Tab1",new JPanel());//substitute your component instead of "new JPanel"
GridBagConstraints myConstraints=new GridBagConstraints();
myConstraints.ipadx=400;//streches the component being added along x axis - 200 px on both sides
myConstraints.ipady=600;//streches the component being added along y axis - 200 px on both sides


You can customize both of these properties to suit your needs.



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