The encoding is ☺ as IBM-437 fails while other valid characters such as é


>>> bytes('☺','ibm437')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.3/encodings/", line 12, in encode
    return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u263a' in position 0: character maps to <undefined>


Unlike Γ©, which works:

>>> bytes('Γ©','ibm437')


I expect to go back b'\x01'

. How can i do this?

Image of code page 437.


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1 answer

IBM-437 is somewhat different in that it not only does a code page (that is, it defines what should happen for byte values ​​128-255), but also overrides some of the ASCII control characters, but only in some contexts . Python maps these problematic code points to manipulate characters rather than the visible characters they displayed, as in some contexts.

You can use the following helper method to convert:

ibm437_visible = lambda byt: byt.decode('ibm437').translate({
    0x01: "\u263A", 0x02: "\u263B", 0x03: "\u2665", 0x04: "\u2666",
    0x05: "\u2663", 0x06: "\u2660", 0x07: "\u2022", 0x08: "\u25D8",
    0x09: "\u25CB", 0x0a: "\u25D9", 0x0b: "\u2642", 0x0c: "\u2640",
    0x0d: "\u266A", 0x0e: "\u266B", 0x0f: "\u263C", 0x10: "\u25BA",
    0x11: "\u25C4", 0x12: "\u2195", 0x13: "\u203C", 0x14: "\u00B6",
    0x15: "\u00A7", 0x16: "\u25AC", 0x17: "\u21A8", 0x18: "\u2191", 
    0x19: "\u2193", 0x1a: "\u2192", 0x1b: "\u2190", 0x1c: "\u221F",
    0x1d: "\u2194", 0x1e: "\u25B2", 0x1f: "\u25BC", 0x7f: "\u2302",
assert ibm437_visible(b'\x01') == '☺'




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