Can't login to identify via libspotify on raspberry pi

I am using libspotify 12.1.103.gd51f6226 Release linux-armv6-bcm2708hardfp on my Raspberry Pi and I think it worked out well with the instruction in the readme.

I changed the appkey.c for my application as given by the highlight path, but when I run the spshell example and try to login, I get the error

FATAL, TERMINATING: failed to log in to Spotify: Cannot connect to Spotify
Logged out


I'm sure I'm using the correct username (I also tried email) and password (I also tried changing the password) and I also tried using the automaton example and get a similar error. I can login to the site and windows app just fine.

The only place I think could have gone wrong:

After this, ensure your PKG_CONFIG_PATH is set tocd 
include the libspotify control file, and that the lib directory is
in the library search path.


I'm sure I did it well and I don't get any errors during build.

Any ideas?


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2 answers

I had the exact same problem which you can see from my comments on the subject. For me this turned out to be a problem with my username which contains a non-ascii letter ΓΆ

. But since my plan was to use pyspotify all the time I was able to log in using my jukebox example and hardcoding my username where needed and add a nice little u

infront of it and now I can log in to determine , see line ~ 460 in the jukebox example:

session_m = Jukebox(options.username, options.password, True)


What I changed to this:

session_m = Jukebox(u"username_with_ΓΆ", options.password, True)


Now my problem is that I cannot access / dev / dsp, but this is a problem that is different from the others. :)

EDIT apt-get install alsa-oss

to solve the above problem, my raspberry is now playing music!



I can compile and login.

What I did was just extract tar.gz for And then ..

sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev libreadline-dev
cd <libspotify folder>/share/doc/libspotify/examples
vim appkey.c 


And then add the app key you created. But it worked for you.

make LIBSPOTIFY_PATH=../../../..


Then I can go in and do a lot of things, I haven't tried audio yet as I don't have any speakers / headphones available.

If you install it using

cd <libspotify folder>
make install prefix=/usr/local 


as described in the README, also do

sudo ldconfig


to update the library cache and then just do a normal compile.

cd <libspotify folder>/share/doc/libspotify/examples


If you suspect that you have compiled the stuff wrong, do "make clean" first.

Don't know if this is appropriate for any help, but that's how I came.



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