How can I check if the columns in my table have trailing spaces in MS ACCESS 2003?

How can I check if any of my column values ​​in TABLEA consist of trailing spaces? I only know how to check if there are spaces from a single column, but not all.

       SELECT *  
       WHERE Col1 LIKE ('* ');  


Since I have 45 columns in my table, it will be very tedious to specify everything in the where clause. I am currently doing this manually using columns and rows, any better suggestion?

Thank you in advance


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3 answers

RTrim all your columns and insert them back

Select RTrim(Col1) As TrimmedCol1, Rtrim(Col2) As TrimmedCol2,. . . . 


If you have a counter for the primary key, you can insert the result into the same table and delete the original values. If not, your best bet is to insert these values ​​into the temp table.

INSERT INTO TempTable (Col1, Col2,....)
 Select RTrim(Col1) As TrimmedCol1, Rtrim(Col2) As TrimmedCol2,. . . . 
    From TABLEA


If you just want to get lines with trailing whitespace, you can do:

Col1 <> RTrim(Col1) OR
Col2 <> RTrim(Col2) OR
Col44 <> RTrim(Col44)




I don't know exactly what you want. If you only want the names of text columns whose values ​​include trailing spaces, you can use a custom VBA function.

I have added trailing spaces to values ​​in 2 columns in my table tblFoo

. Using the function below, I get the names of these columns in the Immediate window.

? ColumnsWithTrailingSpaces("tblFoo")
some_text, Trans Type

Public Function ColumnsWithTrailingSpaces(ByVal pTable As String) As String
    Dim db As DAO.database
    Dim fld As DAO.Field
    Dim strReturn As String

    Set db = CurrentDb
    For Each fld In db.TableDefs(pTable).Fields
        Select Case fld.Type
        Case dbText, dbMemo
            If DCount("*", pTable, _
                "Right([" & fld.Name & "], 1) = ' '") > 0 Then
                strReturn = strReturn & ", " & fld.Name
            End If
        Case Else
        End Select
    Next fld
    Set fld = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
    If Len(strReturn) > 0 Then
        strReturn = Mid(strReturn, 3)
    End If
    ColumnsWithTrailingSpaces = strReturn
End Function


If you also want to strip out trailing spaces, you can do so by modifying the function to create and execute a statement UPDATE

(instead of adding the field name to strReturn


strUpdate = "UPDATE [" & pTable & "]" & vbCrLf & _
    "SET [" & fld.Name & "] = RTrim([" & fld.Name & "]);"
db.Execute strUpdate, dbFailOnError


If you want to see all those rows where any of the columns of text contain one or more trailing spaces, you can build a query whose clause WHERE

refers to the field names returned by the function ColumnsWithTrailingSpaces()


       Right(Col1,  1) = ' '
    OR Right(Col9,  1) = ' '
    OR Right(Col42, 1) = ' '


If none of these suggestions give you what you want, please clarify what you want .; -)



AFAIK the only way to do this is to specify all columns:

WHERE Col1 LIKE ('* ')
OR Col2 LIKE ('* ')
OR ...


Suggestion: Copy the table definition (expression CREATE TABLE

) into a text editor and do some magic search and replace operation to create the statement.



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