Allocating annotated heap heap

Is there any existing tool that can take Java heap dumps with host site annotations? With such a heap dump, we can aggregate runtime objects by their location (roughly a new statement that creates an object), in addition to aggregating by class type.

Assuming this kind of heap heap is available, do you think it is more useful for debugging the leak?


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1 answer

I helped create this feature in HPjmeter - but it was a platform specific feature (i.e. it was only available for Itanium / HP-UX). This is useful for solving specific types of problems (for example, identifying sites that perform heavy short-term allocations and contribute to increasing blood pressure). For most leaks, the leak object dominates your object graph, and your standard tools will help visualize this.

In the unlikely event that this is indeed your development environment, the flag to collect this data is PrintAllocStatitistics

(again, platform specific!):

 java ... -XX:+PrintAllocStatistics -Xverbosegc[0|1][:file=[filename[,[n][h][d][u][t]]]]


You can also read more about this feature in the online documentation. Finding distribution statistics



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