OAuthWebSecurity create account - how does it work?

I'm confused and worried about the next line because it looks like the API for OAuthWebSecurity has its own authentication store.

        // If the current user is logged in add the new account
        OAuthWebSecurity.CreateOrUpdateAccount(result.Provider, result.ProviderUserId, User.Identity.Name);


If I read this correctly, it looks like the API is storing relationships locally.

Please tell me it is not, and explain what exactly he does? I need to keep my web application as independent as possible, I cannot have an API storing local values ​​like this.


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1 answer

It uses SimpleMembershipProvider

which is the default provider in ASP.NET MVC 4 to create or update the association between the user id of the public provider and the local user. This will basically add a record to the table webpages_OAuthMembership


Here's the relevant code from WebSecurity.CreateOrUpdateOAuthAccount

that is called:

public override void CreateOrUpdateOAuthAccount(string provider, string providerUserId, string userName)
    if (userName.IsEmpty())
        throw new MembershipCreateUserException(MembershipCreateStatus.ProviderError);
    int userId = this.GetUserId(userName);
    if (userId == -1)
        throw new MembershipCreateUserException(MembershipCreateStatus.InvalidUserName);
    int userIdFromOAuth = this.GetUserIdFromOAuth(provider, providerUserId);
    using (IDatabase database = this.ConnectToDatabase())
        if (userIdFromOAuth == -1)
            if (database.Execute("INSERT INTO [" + OAuthMembershipTableName + "] (Provider, ProviderUserId, UserId) VALUES (@0, @1, @2)", new object[] { provider, providerUserId, userId }) != 1)
                throw new MembershipCreateUserException(MembershipCreateStatus.ProviderError);
        else if (database.Execute("UPDATE [" + OAuthMembershipTableName + "] SET UserId = @2 WHERE UPPER(Provider)=@0 AND UPPER(ProviderUserId)=@1", new object[] { provider, providerUserId, userId }) != 1)
            throw new MembershipCreateUserException(MembershipCreateStatus.ProviderError);




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