Sesame rdfstore graph names

  • I am using sesame HTTP api with my in-memory rdf store.
  • I am loading data / triplets in context / named graph
  • I am querying using named graph / context

I have 2 questions:

  • In the same repository, is it possible to split a node graph on different named graphs?

    • For my use case, I am filtering data from graph1 and putting it in graph2. So, nodes share b / w graph1 and graph2?
  • Does the named graph raise an O (1) operation during a GET operation? Or is there a performance advantage of using named graphs?


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1 answer

  • Yes, a graph node can be split into different named graphs - in fact, in Sesame, any RDF resource with the same URI is automatically considered identical and therefore automatically allocated across named graphs.
  • It depends on the type of storage and index used. In the in-memory store, search for all statements given by a specific element (subject, predicate, object, or named graph / context) O(1)

    , since the required list of statements is directly accessible. In native storage (Sesame hard drive persistent storage), the complexity depends on what indexes are available, but on average it is O(log n)




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