Send emails from gmail account using chrome extension (Oauth / SMTP)

I've created a chrome extension for gmail that downloads some data as a gallery when a user creates a new mail. After selecting the data, the data is loaded into the body and object.

But when I want to send this mail from my account, I need to personalize the content and then send it.

I've used jason, js / jquery so far to do all of the above.

Now I am looking forward to submitting the post-personalization part.

Thanks for staying ... !!


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1 answer

Google doesn't want people to mess around with GMail's code, so it's not publicly documented or obfuscated. This is mainly a security issue designed to prevent the use of external code (such extensions) of GMail without user consent.

if you want to be present on the GMail interface, you must make a gadget with the GMail API .

From Chrome extensions, it will be easier and safer with Google Apps APIs for Google Scripting. You can post from there, but there is no UI interaction. You can start a GAS web service and call it from your extension via Ajax. Using the Content Service is the easiest way to do this.

You must enable users (only once) to use this service on their behalf so that the service can access their private GMail data. Just go to the URL of the content service and Google will suggest them.



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