
Using JAXB to create referenced objects according to an attribute

Consider the following xml:

        <Path reference="WS_License"/>

        <Step id="WS_License" title="License Agreement" />


The following JAXB classes:

public class Path {

    private String _reference;

    public String getReference() {
        return _reference;

    public void setReference( String reference ) {
        _reference = reference;




public class Step {

    private String _id;
    private String _title;

    public String getId() {
        return _id;

    public void setId( String id ) {
        _id = id;

    public String getTitle() {
        return _title;

    public void setTitle( String title ) {
        _title = title;



Instead of storing the reference in the Path object as a String, I would like to store it as a Step object. The relationship between these objects is reference and identification attributes. @XMLJavaTypeAdapter attribute - path? Can anyone be kind enough to provide an example of correct usage?



I would also like to do the same technique with an element.

Consider the following xml:

    <Step id="WS_License" title="License Agreement">
        <DetailPanelReference reference="DP_License" />

        <DetalPanel id="DP_License" title="License Agreement" />


The following JAXB classes:

public class Step {

    private String _id;

    private String _title;

    @XmlElement(name="DetailPanelReference", type=DetailPanel.class)
    private DetailPanel[] _detailPanels; //Doesn't seem to work


public class DetailPanel {

    private String _id;

    private String _title;



The _detailPanels property in the Step object is empty and the link does not work. Is it possible to create a link without creating a new JAXB object containing only a link to the DetailPanel?

Thanks again:)!


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1 answer

You can use @XmlID

to match a property as a key and @XmlIDREF

to match a key reference for this use case.


public class Step {

    private String _id;




public class Path {

    private Step _reference;



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Thank! I completely missed your article. I expanded on my question, do you have any hints if possible? I don't want to create a class that only contains a reference, I would like to store it inside a step class.

Note. I am EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) and a member of the JAXB Expert Group (JSR-222) .

If you are using MOXy as your JAXB provider (JSR-222) then you can use annotation @XmlPath

for your use.

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.annotations.XmlPath;

public class Step {

    private String id;

    // private List<DetailPanel> _detailPanels; // WORKS
    private DetailPanel[] _detailPanels; // See bug:  http://bugs.eclipse.org/399293



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