Sonar + github integration

I want to enable sonar with git, but need to first pull the project out of the git repository using hudson or whatever and then the sonar will periodically parse the code on I mean my steps correctly:

1.Build project from git using hudson.

2.Sonar on hudson will parse the code and send updates.

or directly we can use git + sonar how does it work, can anyone help me to get it working.


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2 answers

Yes, you need to first pull the project from GitHub and then run sonar analysis on your local copy (Sonar needs the file to exist on the filesystem to be able to parse them).

This way you can pull your project manually or obvioulsy using a CI server like Jenkins / Hudson.



Good news, yesterday (2015-07-08) SonarQube started Github Pluging, every time a pull request is sent, CI system runs SonarQube preview analysis.




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