How to increase tons of space in Google Go

I am running Go code from the Rober Hundt benchmark to compare Go performance with other languages. When I run Go code from this test (see ) I get out of memory exception :

................ runtime: out of memory: cannot allocate a block of 1048576 bytes (used 1270808576) throw: out of memory

My question is how can I increase the Go memory space. Is there some startup option or some flag for the compiler that can be set appropriately? Go source Makefile doesn't detect anything ...

Thanks, Oliver


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4 answers

If you share the OS version, if it is 32 vs 64 bit and your result go version

, we can probably help you more.

  • The 32-bit version of Go is aware of heap memory issues and is not generally used in production. Make sure you are running 64-bit Go on a 64-bit platform.
  • Go tip, the go branch that will become Go 1.1 has updated the maximum heap space from 8GB to 128GB . The main Go developers I've talked to recommend using the Go tip for memory intensive use.
  • Switching to Windows is less used and therefore less tested, this could be a bug. Go is much more tested and believable on Linux and to a lesser extent OS X.
  • As peterSO mentions, Robert Handt's criterion is wrong - read here: Go Profiling Programs


One can only guess - due to the lack of more detailed information.

  • If you are using a 32 bit version of Go try the 64 bit version and use the revision hint.
  • Use the * nix platform if possible - it has improved memory management IMO.


Robert Handt's test is wrong. This is not a real benchmark for Go. For more information, read "Profile Go Programs" .



For those who may be interested, I sent an email to mr. hundt itself asks if there is some (undocumented) compiler with which the heap size can be adapted or parameterized in some way. This was because I initially mistakenly assumed that such a switch should exist, but is not documented. And not a single hat responded to my post, it seems, too, knew. I guess I was "too inspired" here how jvm works ...

Anyway, he recommended trying different compilers (gcc-based compiler or plan-9-based compiler) as it might perform better than the other. Then try it on a 64-bit machine, of course.

He also pointed to my good article on Go memory management:

But no, there is no compiler switch to play with memory settings.

Regards, Oliver



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