SQL Server 2008 concatenating strings?

I spent 2 days trying to fix this problem. Now I'm Going Crazy, I Need Urgent Help, The Problem Is I Have To Tables

Table: Sales, SalesId primary key

SalesId | SalesDate | Customer| Discount | Remarks
1       | 01/01/2012|   John  |   15     |   NULL
2       | 01/01/2012|   Peter |   25     |   NULL
3       | 01/01/2012| Micheal |   35     |   NULL


Table: SalesBody, SerialNo - primary key

and SalesId -foreign key

SerialNo | SalesId | Product | Quantity | Rate
10       | 1       | Pencil   | 18       | 20
11       | 1       | pen      | 200      | 60
12       | 1       | Rubber   | 150      | 10
13       | 1       | Paper    | 500      | 2
14       | 2       | Mouse    | 15       | 190
15       | 2       | KeyBoard | 10       | 600
16       | 2       | Monitor  | 5        | 2000
17       | 3       | Mobile   | 2        | 15000


Now I want to make a query that can make the result like this

SalesId | SalesDate  | Details                               | Amount
1       | 01/01/2012 | Sold: Pencil x 18 @ 20, Pen x 200 @ 60| xxxxxxx
        |            |  Rubber x 150 @ 10, Paper x 500 @ 2   |
2       | 01/01/2012 | Sold: Mouse x 15 @ 190, Keyboard x 10 |
        |            |  @ 600, Monitor x 5 @ 2000            | xxxxxxx
3       | 01/01/2012 | Sold: Mobile x 2 @ 15000              | xxxxxxx


I have tried different methods for example. Coalesce, Stuff, for XML PATH ('')

I would not be able to combine the detail line.


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1 answer

As far as I can see you just need to expand the SalesBody table and group with SalesID

Something along the lines of the below query should do the trick

select sb.SalesId, ( SELECT ', ' + sb2.Product + ' x ' + sb2.Quantity + ' @ ' + sb2.Rate
       FROM SalesBody sb2
       WHERE sb2.SalesId = sb.SalesId 
       FOR XML PATH('') ) AS Details
from SalesBody sb
group by sb.SalesId 


Then just join that query to your Sales table to get other data and run the STUFF command in the Details section of the query above to remove the leading "," and add the "sold:" line and you should be fine. go over.



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