Enforce --recurse-subodules = on request for all repo clones

Given a Git repository with several submodules.
Is there a way to force all clients (read clones) of this repository to use the parameter --recurse-submodules=on-demand

when clicking on a commit? I don't want users to manually add this flag to each one git push


In addition, I will also set up an update hook on the server to enforce this policy, but only this will force users to type --recurse-submodules=on-demand

every time they click on a commit.


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1 answer

Not yet: The configuration " push.recurseSubmodules

" suggested in this patch failed. Even if that were the case, it would mean that each user has to customize their clone.

The only other solution is to define an alias (like in git - push by default--recurse-submodules=check

Again, this is a per user solution (there is no easy way to propagate this setting from one central repo to all of its clones).



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