SQL Azure. Change tracking

After googling for some time, I found that Change Data Capture is not supported in SQL Azure. This disappoints me because I would like to implement change tracking without the significant code changes that are required if implemented.

Is there a built-in change tracking feature in SQL Azure?

If it really cannot be used in SQL Azure - what libraries or products can provide this functionality for an enterprise project?

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2 answers

Starting with version 12, SQL Azure supports NOT Change Data Capture. This is better than using triggers and adding additional columns to track changes.



I came across this which describes a workaround for adding a Local Data Cache item to a VS project. Apparently this just adds some datetime columns to your DB tables and populates them with triggers, which seems like a crappy alternative in my opinion. (Specifically: I would be careful about whether this datetime is set to the transaction commit time or the insert time, which could skip changes in concurrency scripts depending on how you handle updates.)



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