How to inject ruby ​​variables into cucumber.feature tests

I have the next cucumber test

Scenario Outline: 
  Given site <url> is available
  Then I see all all content



In the test case, it is dynamic and is generated in ruby ​​code.

Problem: I want to replace with a ruby ​​variable like <% URL%>. Is it possible to inject ruby ​​code into cucumber tests and evaluate?


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2 answers

I guess you shouldn't be doing this in function steps. If you want a ruby ​​variable, it means you are doing something wrong. Check out some examples around

Link here

Functions must be clear so that everyone can read, especially non-programmers. so you should start mixing code with functions. The code is behind, in the step definition.



You can do eval

this line if you trust the code in that properties file. But this might be a bad idea for the reasons outlined by @SnakeSanders.



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