Multiple negative regex expression

Here's my regex pattern: [Ss]ection\s\d+(?![a-zA-z])(?!</ref>)

For example, it must match: section 5

orsection 50

For example, it must match not : section 5A

or section 5</ref>

or section 5A</ref>

orsection 50A

The problem is that it doesn't actually match them:

Not sure what's wrong with the template though ...


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3 answers

Maybe try it [Ss]ection\s\d++(?![a-zA-z])(?!</ref>)

. ++ is a possessive quantifier . This quantifier is similar to the greedy quantifier, except that it blocks the chunk of the string that it matched using the later part of the regular expression.


// prints false since last "ab" is possessed by (ab)++ 




Wrong matches: In your regex, you want a "section" followed by one or more digits, not followed by any text, or "

This is true for section 50A


section 5

follows 0A

, and this does not apply to your negative view.

You can do something like:





This should work:



I explained the problem with our regexp regexp weirdness with negative lookahead assertion in Java regex , it applies here too.

The situation is slightly different here: a negative lookahead matches when we don't want it, because the match tends to accept a shorter match for the preview part if it helps match the expression as a whole. So it's important to be aware of the input boundary if you are using a lookahead: be it a word boundary, an anchor, $

or some statement about the next text (without looking at the number in my proposed solution).



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