Java regex on double

I'm trying to check for a double that has a maximum of 13 digits before the decimal point, and the decimal point and the numbers following it are optional. Thus, the user could write an integer or a number with decimal places.

For starters, I had this:

if (check.matches("[0-9](.[0-9]*)?"))


I went through several pages on Google and I was unable to get it to work despite various efforts. My thought was to do it like this, but it won't work:



How can i do this?


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5 answers

Remember to avoid the point.

if (check.matches("[0-9]{1,13}(\\.[0-9]*)?"))




First of all you need to escape the dot (in java it will [0-9]{1,13}(\\.[0-9]*)?

). Secondly, do not forget that there is another popular view of doubles - scientific. So it is 1.5e+4

again a valid double. Finally, don't forget that a double number can be negative or have no whole part at all. For example. -1.3

and .56

are valid doubles.



You need to avoid the dot and you need at least the digit after the dot



See here in Regexr



John's answer is close. But you need to add "-" if it is negative, if you accept negative values. So it will be changed to-?[0-9]{1,13}(\.[0-9]*)?



if you need to check for decimal with commas and negatives:

Object testObject = "-1.5";
boolean isDecimal = Pattern.matches("^[\\+\\-]{0,1}[0-9]+[\\.\\,]{1}[0-9]+$", (CharSequence) testObject);


Good luck.



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