Is there a good way to reinstall and merge the project.pbxproj file using git?

I have a very annoying problem while updating xcodeproj files, is there a way to solve this?

The situation is as follows:

(1) A changed project.pbxproj demo.xcodeproj and fixed 1;

(2) B changed project.pbxproj demo.xcodeproj and committed 2;

(3) when B resets commit 2 to commit 1, there will be a lot of conflicts and this cannot be merged.

(4) So B has to fix again.

I know project.pbxproj is an xml file and the keys in the xml are randomly generated.

My question is:

Is there a way to solve this problem? I have no idea about this.


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1 answer

It seems to be in fact demo.xcodeproj

a folder , and like every system-dependent config file / folder, people tend to avoid that they always create conflicts when updating.

Anyway, this question is already covered here: xcodeproj on version control



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