Difference of date in timestamp and normal dates in MYSQL

I have a table with two date columns, one is a timestamp (for example 1359380165) and the other is in a normal date and time value (for example, 2013-01-28 08:32:53).

I want to find the time span between now (current) and these dates given above. So the results will be e.g.

  • Daniel changed password 5 minutes ago
  • Jeniffer deleted her phone number 3 days ago.

Any ideas?


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2 answers

This function should do something similar to what you need, try it, just need a unix timestamp passed to it like your "1359380165".

function getRelativeTime($timestamp)
    $timeDifference = time() - $timestamp;
    $timePeriods    = array('second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week','month', 'years', 'decade');
    $timeLengths    = array('60', '60', '24', '7', '4.35', '12', '10');

    if ($timeDifference > 0)
            $timeSuffix = 'ago';
        $timeDifference = -$timeDifference;
        $timeSuffix     = 'to go';

    for($i = 0; $timeDifference >= $timeLengths[$i]; $i++)
        $timeDifference/= $timeLengths[$i];
        $timeDifference = round($timeDifference);

    if($timeDifference != 1) $timePeriods[$i].= 's';

    return $timeDifference . ' ' . $timePeriods[$i] . ' ' . $timeSuffix;




Assuming a table like this:


id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key
username varchar(45) not null
utime int
dtime timestamp


Why not just structure the request so that PHP gets both timestamps in the same format? Something like that:

SELECT id, username, FROM_UNIXTIME(utime, '%Y-%m-%d %H.%i.%s') AS ut, dtime AS dt FROM mytable;



SELECT id, username, utime AS ut, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dtime) as dt FROM mytable;


Then you can handle both ut and dt in the same way.

There is a nice relative function of time here . Unix timestamp required.



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