Javascript 3D Framework works on mobile devices

I need to develop a demo in 3D using html5 and javascript, but this should work on mobile. I have a little knowledge of webgl but think graphics card support is needed. I tested several demos on my Samsung SII and it doesn't work.

Can anyone give me some information on 3D javascript frameworks that have smartphone compatibility?



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2 answers

WebGL is supported on some mobile web browsers,

I did a quick googling, I found they support WebGl

  • Nokia N900
  • BlackBerry PlayBook
  • Firefox for mobile
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia Android smartphones had WebGL capabilities after a firmware update.
  • Opera Mobile 12
  • Tizen 1.0

This list may be missing as I found it on Wikipedia

Another site that may give you some information is the WebGL compatibility page


Another framework that allows you to deploy JavaScript, HTML5 apps and works on mobile platforms is CocoonJS, here's a list of supported features



ThreeJS does 2d canvas, webgl and svg rendering, so it depends on your mobile capabilities.

you also have 3D CSS transforms, so depending on what you need to do this might be an option.



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