Delphi 'Could not convert variant type (UnicodeString) to type (Boolean)

I have this code for color row of grid based on column data (grid from devexpress)

AColumn: TcxCustomGridTableItem;
gs: variant;

  AColumn := (Sender as TcxGridDBTableView).GetColumnByFieldName('COLOR');

  gs := ARecord.Values[AColumn.Index];

  if VarType(gs) and VarTypeMask = varString or varUString then
    AStyle.Color := gs; //<<<----- exception


The field color

is a varchar (firebird) containing values ​​like cllime, clred, etc. but I get the error "Could not convert variant of type (UnicodeString) to type (Boolean)" on the line with the exception comment. what should I change?



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1 answer

I would replace your operator with the if

following. It uses a function VarIsType

that is more straightforward to type-check the Variant and converts the string value stored in the Variant variable to color with StringToColor


if VarIsType(gs, [varString, varUString]) then
  AStyle.Color := StringToColor(gs);




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