Contributing to the critical load assignment on github

I want to create a pull request on github for a change I made for the qunit task, but I am having trouble getting a local copy of the repo that I can work with.

  • The tasks

    master branch does not contain a directory , so I cloned the v0.3-stable branch, but I assume this is the master and not the stable version I want to try and push - how do I achieve this.
  • When running grunt test

    in my clone from the 0.3 stable branch, there are many node modules of undefined, so I have to install them locally ... although they are all available in my /usr/lib/.../node_modules. How can I grumble to use these global copies? (qunit usually works fine when used as part of a grunt build, for example in the local directory containing the jquery plugin).

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2 answers

It was temporarily difficult to know where to push, much like it was when starting before v4. Most of the core grunt tasks have been pushed into their own repositories grunt-contrib-taskname

. However, now pushing these repositions is simple



  • You can submit a pull request from a non-master branch. You can just use a branch v0.3-stable

    in your fork and make sure you use that branch instead master

    in your pull request.

  • You may need to install the node modules in the current directory even if you have already installed them globally (they may be different versions). First try running npm install

    in the root of the repository.



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