How to download GAE logs using maven plugin?

I am using maven gae plugin to build and deploy google app app app (under windows). Everything works as expected.

However - I notice that it is also possible to download GAE with the same pluggin. It seems to me something like:

mvn -DoutputFile=./test.log gae:logs


should work - however it just gets stuck:

0% Beginning to retrieve log records...


and goes no further - what am I doing wrong?


mvn -e



mvn -X


don't seem to provide any useful conclusion


source to share

1 answer

I've also tried absolute path on OSX as well and it refuses to honor the argument -DoutputFile

and puts the logs in target/gae.log

no matter where I try to tell it to put it or call it instead.

So go to your project_dir/target/gae.log




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