Google App Engine Eclipse Plugin Login: I got white screen

I tried to login to Eclipse using the Gooel App Engine plugin, but after entering my account, I got a white screen.

(I tried changing the default browser in Eclipse using Chrome to solve the problem, but the browser used is still the same.)

I have many projects (GAE) and I use different login details for the project

enter image description here

Also, if you right click on View Source on this white page, you can see that there is a correct answer page from Google. But this page doesn't display correctly in the browser window. So there is no way to click the page button to complete the login.


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2 answers

I had this problem and had to use the command line to deploy my project.

On the command line (you can use the terminal available in Eclipse), navigate to the project destination and enter the following command:

"C:\Program Files\appengine-java-sdk-1.7.5\bin\appcfg.cmd" update war


If this is the first time you do this, you should receive a prompt asking for your email address and password.

Note that if you built your application with Maven, you must invoke the Maven command:

mvn appengine:update




This is not a solution, but a workaround. The problem stems from the wrong behavior of the internal eclipse browser for https connections and / or certificate management. This happens with eclipse for win64. To avoid the problem, I use eclipse for win32 instead.



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