Displaying UIView above tab bar in UITabBarController

I am using UITabBarController

. Can it be displayed UIView

above the controller tab bar?


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2 answers

Use UIViewController

with UITabBarControllerDelegate

, add to it UITabBar

, set the delegate. You can add UIView

to the view controller.



If you are talking about a different view of the view manager then represent that view controller above the controller view of the tab bar. lets say "O" is a tab inside the pitch pad controller. Then, when you click on the About tab, you will see one view controller that is inside the tab bar controller. In this view the controller in view has loaded, you can execute the right code below to see the view above the tab bar controller.

views=[[AboutUsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"AboutUsViewController" bundle:nil];
[self presentModalViewController:views animated:NO];




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