Upload the file to a specific folder on Google Drive using PHP and Drive API

Hope it's just ... I want to upload a file directly to a folder. I got the folder id and I have this code that downloads the file perfectly at the root:

require_once 'get_access.php'; 

require_once 'google-api-php-client/src/Google_Client.php';
require_once 'google-api-php-client/src/contrib/Google_DriveService.php';

$folder_id = '<folder id>';

$client = new Google_Client();
$service = new Google_DriveService($client);

//Insert a file
$file = new Google_DriveFile();
$file->setTitle('My document 123');
$file->setDescription('A test document');

$data = file_get_contents('document-2.txt');

$createdFile = $service->files->insert($file, array(
      'data' => $data,
      'mimeType' => 'text/plain',

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';



What should I do here to download this file to a specific folder on the user's drive?



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4 answers

I think it's crazy, but Google changed the API again! The ParentReference class is nowGoogle_Service_Drive_ParentReference

So the updated code:

$parent = new Google_Service_Drive_ParentReference();




Thanks for the answer. Yes it was a solution and I found it earlier in the API, but it didn't work.

The key is that Google changed the class names, but didn't update the docs. the ParentReference class is nowGoogle_ParentReference()

Similar issue with other docs about Google Drive. So the working code for this is:

$parent = new Google_ParentReference();




Assuming that $parentId

contains the target folder id, you should add this code before the insert request:

$parent = new ParentReference();


See the reference guide for details files.insert





Quite late, but I reached this page looking for a solution and since the API changed to V3 the procedure changed as well. I found it after a couple of hours.

In a new way, they made it quite simple.

try this:

$file = new Google_DriveFile();
$file->setName('YourDocument.txt');  // This also changed from Title To Name

$file->setParents(array($parentId));  // This is the Line which sets parent




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