Git - Why .txt file is not being ignored

I need to ignore TXT file in git. For this I have included * .txt in the .gitignore file. But when I edit something in one of my .txt file git still keeps track of it. Where is the problem or am I doing something wrong. Please help me.


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5 answers

If you've ever committed a text file, git already tracks it. You need to remove it from git so that it is not tracked, then it will properly ignore it.

git rm --cached name.txt




You may have already made a file to be tracked. You need:

git rm --cached filename




Gitignore doesn't stop you from tracking files that are already being tracked. You need to remove them from your repo.

find . -name '*.txt' ¦ xargs git rm


Must do the trick.



I think you added this file .txt

to the intermediate level index before including it .txt

in the file .gitignore

. To ignore this, you must remove this .txt

file from the staging index. To remove it from the hosting index, but not from the working directory, insert the following line:

git rm --cached my_file.txt


If that doesn't work, insert:

git rm --cached my_file.txt -f




Another possible mistake is having a space after the line *.txt




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