ASP.NET MVC Authorized Roles with HasAccesss from View

We are using the attribute [Authorize (Roles="yadda, yadda2")]

on our controllers and I am wondering if there is a built-in mechanism to detect if they have access after that from the view?

[Authorize (Roles="System Administrator, Administrator")]
public abstract class OperationsBaseContoller : BaseController
    // omitted

// some view
   <a href="#somewhereInOperations">Operations Action</a>
   <a href="#anotherInOps">Example</a>
   <a href="#oneMore">filler</a>


Something like the above would be great, so I could avoid providing links that cannot be delivered to them anyway. I do NOT , however I want the list of available roles in the view to be in again User.IsInRole("....")

, as it seems like a nightmare to maintain / duplicate code. I figured that if they give us an attribute, they also provide a built-in way to validate it from the view.

If not (couldn't find it on my own) I'll write mine but would like to avoid potential rethinking of wheels.


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1 answer

There are several useful extension methods that do exactly this




published in

In this article, I will explain how to create an action link extension that is authorization so that we can hide or disable an action link based on its authority.



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