Extending built-in Android apps

I have been doing Android programming for the last couple of months, now, after developing several apps, I would like to extend an existing Android app so that I can change their menus adding more functions etc. for this I have two questions: 1. Can I load such a "driver" on the Android market as an application? even after it's installed, all it does is add more features to the Android OS. 2. Where can I get more information on how and what should I read / learn for my purpose?

Tnx in advance.


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1 answer

if you want to do some extensions for system apps well ... it's tricky. You will need to do this by editing your system app and adding new smali code for functionality. The problem is that it will only work on your phone, on phones or phones with the exact system. For example, if you want to add new features to Phone.apk from a samsung phone, the resulting application will only work on Samsung phones that have an identical Phone.apk. In addition, the phone must be rooted and the installation cannot be done from Play ... because it cannot replace the system app.

Another thing to consider when replacing functionality within apps is the Xposed Framework

You can read more about this.

In conclusion, it is not easy or pleasant to spend time expanding system applications. You can try developing new mods for CM, for example.



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