The decorator functions as tags as callables

I am creating a feature tag system to enable or disable tag-based features:

def do_nothing(*args, **kwargs): pass

class Selector(set):
    def tag(self, tag):
        def decorator(func):
            if tag in self:
                return func
                return do_nothing
        return decorator

selector = Selector(['a'])

def foo1():
    print "I am called"

def foo2():
    print "I am not called"

def foo3():
    print "I want to be called, but I won't be"

foo1() #Prints "I am called"
foo2() #Does nothing
foo3() #Does nothing, even though it is tagged with 'a'


My question is about the last function, foo3. I understand why it is not called. I was wondering if there is a way to make it get called if any of the tags are present in the selector. Ideally, the solution makes it so that tags are checked only once, rather than every time the function is called.

Note: I do this to select which tests to run based on environment variables in unit tests unittest

. My actual implementation uses unittest.skip


EDIT: Added decorator return.


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2 answers

The problem is, if you decorate it twice, a function is returned that doesn't return anything.

foo3() -> @selector.tag('a') -> foo3()
foo3() -> @selector.tag('b') -> do_nothing

foo3() -> @selector.tag('b') -> do_nothing
do_nothing -> @selector.tag('a') -> do_nothing


This means that in any order, you always get nothing. What you need to do is save a set of tags for each object and check that the whole set is at once. We can do this nicely without polluting namespaces with function attributes:

class Selector(set):
    def tag(self, *tags):
        tags = set(tags)
        def decorator(func):
            if hasattr(func, "_tags"):
                func._tags = tags
            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                return func(*args, **kwargs) if self & func._tags else None
            wrapper._tags = func._tags
            return wrapper
        return decorator


This gives some bonuses - it is possible to check all the tags that a function has, and you can mark them with multiple decorators or give many tags in one decorator.

def foo():

#Or, equivalently:
@selector.tag('a', 'b')
def foo():


Usage functools.wraps()

also means that the function retains its original identity (docstrings, name, etc.).

Edit: If you want to make some shell exceptions:

    def decorator(func):
        if hasattr(func, "_tagged_function"):
            func = func._tagged_function
        if hasattr(func, "_tags"):
            func._tags = tags
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs) if self & func._tags else None
        wrapper._tagged_function = func
        wrapper._tags = func._tags
        return wrapper




Will this work for you:

class Selector(set):
    def tag(self, tag_list):
        def decorator(func):
            if set(tag_list) & self:
                return func
                return do_nothing
        return decorator

def foo3():
    print "I want to be called, but I won't be"




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