Perl search regex only at the beginning of text
Suppose there is a text like this:
I want to count the number of "-" after |. I tried to parse this using the following regex in perl
$count=()= /-/g;
but this is problematic because the first two have "-" somewhere else both in the text and in the front. How do I create my own regex or use another function in perl to get the number "-" right after the "|"?
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To count the dashes not preceded by a letter, use a negative appearance statement .
$count = () = /(?<!\w)-/g
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If the vertical line just starts at the beginning, you can get the line of repeating minuses with:
my ($match) = $txt =~ /^\|(-*)/;
The parentheses around $ match force the captured part of the regex
then enter the number of minuses with
my $minus_count = length($match || '');
|| '')
Initializes $ match if the above regex does not match, to stop the length of moaning about uninitialized variables (if you have warnings)
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Not sure if you can count directly in Regex, but you can extract the capturing groups and do some simple arithmetic with their string strings:
use warnings;
my $inFile = $ARGV[0];
open(FILEHANDLE, "<", $inFile) || die("Could not open file ".$inFile);
my @fileLines = <FILEHANDLE>;
my $lineNo = 0;
my $rslt;
foreach my $line(@fileLines) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
print "\n".$lineNo." = <".$line.">";
if($line =~ m/^\|-+(.+)/) {
my $text = $1;
print "\n\ttext = <".$text.">";
my $minCnt = length($line) - length($text) - 1;
print "\n\tminus count = <".$minCnt.">";
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