Using element (). Offset () in AngularJS E2E test

I am writing an end-to-end test in Angular and I would like to check the position of a DOM element relative to another DOM element. Fortunately, Angular E2E DSL has a forwarding method for the jQuery offset () method. Perfect for my use!

However, I am confused about how to use the object returned by this method. The offset () call returns an object with top and left properties . When I try to access these properties in a test, Angular complains.

This code works great:



This code doesn't work and throws an error:


TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
    at Object.angular.scenario.matcher.(anonymous function) (http://localhost:8000/test/angular/angular-scenario.js:23994:41)
    at Object.executeStatement (http://localhost:8000/test/angular/angular-scenario.js:23960:30)
    at Object.chain.(anonymous function) [as toEqual] (http://localhost:8000/test/angular/angular-scenario.js:23968:37)
    at Object.<anonymous> (http://localhost:8000/test/E2E-scenarios.js:78:53)


How to use the return from offset () to plot the expected value something like this:

expect(element("#anID").scrollTop() - element("#anotherID").offset().top).toEqual(100);



After I go back with Josh David Miller, I see my real question is, how can I get the angular.scenario.Future value of an object outside of the expect () call, so I can use it as the basis of other expectations?


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2 answers

Found an answer on the Angular mailing list . Something like this will work for using multiple angular.scenario.Future object values ​​in a single expectation:

  it('async expectation', function() {
    var relativeElement = element("#anID").prop( 'offsetTop' )

    this.addFuture('ScenarioRunner step title', function(done) {
      expect(element('#anotherID').scrollTop()).toEqual(relativeElement.value - 100);


There's a problem open in the Angular github repo for more elegant integration into ScenarioRunner.



You don't really need to go through jQuery. This should work fine:

expect( element.prop( 'offsetLeft' ) ).toEqual( 361 );
expect( element.prop( 'offsetTop' ) ).toEqual( 451 );


If not, can you post a complete minimal example on jsfiddle or plunker?



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