How do I set the default "Select All" in SSRS?
Possible Duplicate:
Select All as Default for Multivalue
I have a dropdown parameter in SSRS that is populated with the following request:
select ID, name from accounts where LK_RecordStatusID = 1 order by Name asc
I need it to be a multi-value parameter. In SSRS, I can do this. However, I also cannot let it be null. However, I would like it to have a default value of "Null", which corresponds to the "Select All" option.
I was looking online and I see something about using -1 as an alternative to null? I can't seem to specify a null value. Any advice is appreciated, thanks
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1 answer
With this other question I got this fix (thanks Jeroen), just need to make the "defaults" the same as Available val. s:
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