Exception during cache and session cleanup on install. Chat extensions in Zopin in megento

When I try to install the zopim live chat megento extension, I get an "Exception while caching and clearing session". but installed successfully. After installing with the above error, I tried to open the site, it shows: "The server is temporarily unable to serve your request due to service downtime or bandwidth issues. Please try again later." 503. Please help me to solve this problem.

Thanks Bala


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2 answers

The error you see means Magento is rendering the HTTP ERROR 503

default page . This can be happening for several reasons, but most likely due to the installation process (you didn't mention if it was Magento Connect standard or if it was something else), left the file maintenance.flag

in the root of the site. Delete this file from the root of your site and everything should be back to normal.

$ cd /path/to/magento/root
$ rm maintenance.flag




Prototype.js is missing from the Iframe "console" header.

Just edit /downloader/Maged/Connect.php and find

var response = transport.responseJSON || transport.responseText.JSONeval(true) || {};


replace it with

var response = transport.responseJSON || JSON.parse(transport.responseText) || {};


: -)



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