Downloading APK file error "You need to add an icon to your APK"

I am using Eclipse - I am exporting my project and signing it. But then I get this error.

[SO] Will not let me upload a screenshot

Error: "Upload error: you need to add an icon to the APK"

I have files named icon.png in all my folder folders. And I'm not sure what is causing this error.

    android:theme="@style/Theme.Sherlock.Light" >


ic_launcher is my icon in all my accessible folders

Edit to clarify: In my manifest, I have the code above. In all my accessible folders, I have a png icon called ic_launcher (I also added a .png icon when upload failed the first time)


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4 answers

Your icon should be named: "ic_launcher.png" not icon.png. Or, you can change the manifest to indicate what you want to assign to the title.



Using this line



Android expects to find an icon named ic_launcher.something where something is a valid image format like .png or .jpg

You mentioned that your icon is called "icon.png"

Change one or the other and it should work.



I had this problem. I know it says you need to add an icon, but try checking @ string / app_name. if your app_name has "\ n" remove it, rebuild and download apk again. what happened in my case.

You need to add the icon to the APK when uploading the app to google play

hope this helps other people too.



I had a problem too. The problem has been resolved now.

  • Make sure you have a .png icon.
  • Look for an icon mismatch in the filename or extension in the following folders mdpi xdpi ldpi etcv.
  • If you don't need multiple folders, you can delete them.

I hope the above questions can help solve your problem.



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