Rspec / Guard / FactoryGirl returns undefined method error

First, I have a valid factory / model and this particular test is going through the console.


validate :some_condition

def some_condition
  errors.add(:attribute, "cannot be less than 5") if self.attribute < 5



it "should not allow values above 5" do
  model = FactoryGirl.create(:model) # creates valid model
  model.attribute = 10
  model.valid?.should be_false


In the console:

model = FactoryGirl.create(:model)
model.attribute = 10
model.valid? # => false


In rspec

undefined method `<' for nil:NilClass


I can't figure out why this is happening. Obviously it has something to do with it self.attribute

, but why does this work on console but not in tests? attribute

by itself also returns the same error and I checked: self is defined as a model instance. Regardless, this does not explain the inconsistency. It works in the console with exactly the same model and attributes.

To note: I have restarted all environments, this is based on a fresh reboot.


In desperation, I deduced attribute

in several contexts before this condition and then exit

. This led to even stranger results. Work on this:

def some_condition
  puts self.attribute # => returns blank in test, attribute value otherwise
  puts "#{self.attribute}" # => returns attribute value in test!!!

  errors.add(:attribute, "cannot be less than 5") if self.attribute < 5


The above made me incredibly tense. Do I now need tests to test my tests? really hope someone more proficient with ruby ​​or the aforementioned tools have a logical explanation for this mess because i am completely lost.

This leads to this abomination:

errors.add(:attribute, "cannot be less than 5") if self.attribute < 5
# => IN TESTS self.attribute returns nil

errors.add(:attribute, "cannot be less than 5") if "#{self.attribute}".to_i < 5
# => IN TESTS self.attribute returns value! This works!?


Where do you turn? Is it ruby, rails, factory girl, rspec?


After this massive question crash, it turned out I forgot rake db:test:prepare

after a little migration. I still don't understand how this could cause such a problem. Lesson learned. Run migrations in different environments and find the best debugger!


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1 answer

RSpec syntax has changed slightly from version 1 to version 2 and this can be confusing.

Could you please tell me what happens if you write your test this way?

it "should not allow values above 5" do
  model = build(:model, :attribute => 10)
  model.should_not be_valid
  model.should have(1).error_on(:attribute)


The reason I'm using build

and not create

is that you can test your checks without hitting the database.



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