Sitecore WFFM - Create New Save Action Editor

I created a custom save action for WebForms for marketers and already gave it a few settings. The save action is set to use the: Forms.MappingFields control as a control with the query string "Fields = EmailAddress | EmailAddress, Name | Name"

This is great for specifying which of the form fields are the address and email name, which are later used in subscribing to the campaign newsletter. Now I want content creators to be able to specify the id of the campaign monitor list (which is a string) and let that string be different for every form that uses this save action.

The only way I know how to do this is by changing the save action editor.

Using this article , I started work on a new interface editor. However, I have two problems.

  • I created a new .cs file and used the code given in the article, but I get the error: Type "System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderCollection" is defined in an unreferenced assembly (Line 48.) I tried to add the usage for System.Configuration, but that doesn't solve the problem.

  • The big problem is that I don't know what to do with the XML the article provides. I found an article on SDN about creating Sheer UI , however the article is out of date. He directs me an article on building XML applications , but this is also deprecated since I am using Sitecore 6.5. The screenshots are obviously not accurate for Sitecore 6.5, and the New XML Layout option in the context menu is not available.

So I'm hoping to find an example of how to create a new editor for the WebForms for Marketers save action that is being updated for WFFM 2.3 and Sitecore 6.5, which doesn't yet assume that I know how to create XML Application Layouts. Either that, or an easier way to let content creators specify a string that is different from each form.



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