PyODBC return error, but why?

I am trying to execute a T-SQL query in two cases (I am using Win7, python 3.2, MS SQL Server express 2008, pyodbc for python 3.2):

-case 1:

using MS SQL Server Management Studio I am trying to execute the query:

USE master;CREATE DATABASE Sales ON (NAME = Sales_dat,FILENAME = 'C:\saledat.mdf',        SIZE = 10,    MAXSIZE = 50,    FILEGROWTH = 5 ) LOG ON ( NAME = Sales_log,    FILENAME = 'C:\salelog.ldf',    SIZE = 5MB,    MAXSIZE = 25MB, FILEGROWTH = 5MB );


it returns a successful result

-case 2:

import pyodbc
cur.execute("USE master;CREATE DATABASE Sales ON (NAME = Sales_dat,FILENAME = 'C:\saledat.mdf',    SIZE = 10,    MAXSIZE = 50,    FILEGROWTH = 5 ) LOG ON ( NAME = Sales_log,    FILENAME = 'C:\salelog.ldf',    SIZE = 5MB,    MAXSIZE = 25MB, FILEGROWTH = 5MB );")


but after running the code i get the error

 pyodbc.Error: ('HY000', 'The driver did not supply an error!')


If I run the code without



I am not getting any error. But why?


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2 answers

For reasons I don't fully understand, setting autocommit to true seems to fix the problem. Note that dropping backslashes is still required.

Autocomment can be set in two ways:

cxnn=pyodbc.connect('DSN=SERVER;UID=sa;PWD=password', autocommit=True)



cxnn.autocommit = True


After that, cursor creation and query execution should proceed as expected:

cur.execute("USE master;CREATE DATABASE Sales ON (NAME=Sales_dat, FILENAME='C:\\saledat.mdf', SIZE=10, MAXSIZE=50, FILEGROWTH=5) LOG ON (NAME=Sales_log, FILENAME='C:\\salelog.ldf', SIZE=5MB, MAXSIZE=25MB, FILEGROWTH=5MB );")




In my case, I just needed to update pyobbc for it to work.

pip install --upgrade pyodbc




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